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DIY Dollar Tree Halloween Door Bats

Thanks for sharing!

Halloween is tomorrow, but it's not too late to do a simple last-minute door decoration to add a little SPOOK to your decor! With Halloween on a Thursday this year, I am sure festivities will carry on through the weekend. I know they will at my house! Dollar Tree is one of my favorite spots for affordable holiday decor and crafting ideas! Have you heard of Dollar Tree Value Seekers Club? I just recently discovered it! Dollar Tree Value Seekers Club is a club full of crafts, recipes, décor, tips, contests, insider information, frugal fun ideas, and more! Membership is Free and content changes each month. A great feature is that project sheets can be saved or printed – perfect for taking to the store as a shopping list. Be sure to read to the end for an exciting GIVEAWAY!


I am going to share with you how I put my own spin on the Front Door Bat Printable. You can go to Dollar Tree Value Seekers Club to join for free and print your own and view instructions.


We live in the country and never have trick-or-treaters. This year we have decorated our family/media room for Halloween. We spend a lot of time here together as a family and with friends. Instead of placing my bats over a door, I decided to use mine all around a Halloween vignette by the door leading into this room. It will be seen more and enjoyed by us here!

The only things that I needed to purchase were black poster board and double stick tape all from Dollar Tree. I used two sheets of poster board and the tape for less than $3! How's that for affordable! You could also use foam board and construction paper all found at Dollar Tree. While I was there, I also purchased the spooky eye balls, spiders and rats to add to the vignette.

Also on OSH!  My Favorite Outdoor #LoveItMoment

I chose to enlarge a few of my bats with my home ink-jet printer. Then I simply traced them on the black poster board and cut them out. 


I wanted to add a bit of sparkle to just a few with silver glitter that I already had on hand. 

I simply brushed some white glue on a few areas and sprinkled with glitter. 




Then it was time for the fun part! Simply place your bats with double stick tape around and on your door or like I did….around my vignette!


Be sure to sign up for the Dollar Tree Value Seekers Club to print and get the directions so you can make your own Halloween Door Bats and discover other crafty projects! November's content goes up on Friday, so be sure to
check out October's ideas before it is too late!




Would you be excited to win a $100 Dollar Tree Gift Card? Simply join Dollar Tree Value Seekers Club AND leave a blog comment on which project you'd like to try first! Please note that if you are selected to win….you will be asked for your email address to verify your Dollar Tree Value Seekers Club membership which is free!!!

Good luck and happy Dollar Tree crafting!

Below you will find other fabulous Dollar Tree Value Seekers Club projects from other blogger! Have fun!

****I was compensated for this post by Dollar Tree through Blueprint social. All opinions are mine…..especially that I loved this project!!! Thanks for the opportunity Blueprint Social!****



Thanks for sharing!

Also on OSH!  Dollar Tree Easter Eggs

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  1. I’d love to try the bat gift boxes or the pedestals! Such great projects!

    I love the glitter on your bat wings – everything is a bit better with glitter, no?

  2. OOh! Spooky I love how the bats turned out and so fun to use them inside versus out. Thanks for sharing the 411 on the Dollar Tree Club! I love that place!
    Cheers to you and yours!

  3. Thanks for the tip about the Dollar Tree value seekers! Dollar Tree is always my go to stop for seasonal decor and home organization. I am psyched to try the bathroom tower to corral my clutter.

  4. I love love love the Dollar Tree! Your batt decor idea looks spook-tacular! I grew up in the country, in a village with a population of 500 (seriously – that’s all!) and we never had many trick or treaters either! That means more candy left for you though right – lol?? I think I’ve eaten about a quarter of the mini chocolate bars that I bought already! Getting me some ‘Halloween Hips’ – haha!! Great post Christy!

    1. Halloween hips….dying laughing! Yes, more for us!! I guess with the kids it has been nice being able to go out and not worry about the whole trick or treat thing at the house. Thanks so much for stopping by and good luck, Heather!

    1. Thanks so much! I like some of the projects to be easy like this….and inexpensive!! Happy crafting! ~Christy

  5. Can’t wait to make my next stop at Dollar Tree. Probably missed all the Halloween goodies, but certainly will be checking for the Thanksgiving “stuff”.

    1. They definitely have lots for Thanksgiving and Christmas is being added! Lots of awesome Christmas. I’ve already bought a few things! Good Luck! Christy

  6. I hope it’s not too copycatish, but I would love my own set of bats for Halloween! I always go overboard for Christmas, so Halloween and Thanksgiving get the total shaft!!

    1. Go ahead and copy!!! Be sure to visit the Value Seekers site before Friday. That’s when November starts! Great fun for the kids to help with! Thanks for visiting!! ~Christy

  7. Christy,
    Love those Halloween Decorations! I will certainly check that Dollar Tree site out later. I stopped in at the junkiest Dollar Tree store yesterday looking for two items; ended up biuying 2 boxes of Foil Sheets that I like to use for baking potatoes in the oven. Our regular grocery stores never seem to stock this item but I can usually find them in DT. I love the way you share your creative ideas on your blog. Is that a mirror you sprayed with chalkboard paint that has the spooky message on it? The tombstone, is that from DT ? Almost looks like the shape of an iron. Where are you displaying these decorations? Your porch? We live in a Sr. citizens community so not much need for decorations outside but who says we can’t decorate the windows inside or have a party and invite a few friends and decorate the inside? That will go on my 2014 list of goals!

    1. Thanks, Bety! Always happy to hear from you! You are just so very sweet and supportive! I am going to have the tutorial up on the chalkboard Friday! It was a mirror, but removed the mirror. I’ve had the tombstone forever! I don’t remember from where. The Dollar Tress does have some though! There is still time to throw a quick and easy get-together in your neighborhood! Lots of decorating at the Dollar Tree! Serve coffee and everyone bring a dessert! Make it easy so you can enjoy the social time! Hugs~Christy

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